There is a creative solution to add a Remind me later option to your auto-launched Topics. To implement this option, you will need to already have an Autolauncher created. Read more about creating Autolaunchers in our in-depth guide.

To implement a "Remind me later" button:

Configure the Autolauncher

  1. Login to the Inline Manual portal with your e-mail and password.
  2. Choose the Site where you want to add a Remind me later option to a Topic and click on Automation.

  1. Select the Autolauncher you wish to make changes for and click the Edit button.

  1. On the Edit autolauncher page, go to the Options section and configure the Autolauncher. Below you can find the description of each field within the Options section:

  • Play as part of a Campaign - adds the Topic to the Autolauncher Campaign. You can read more about this feature in our in-depth guide; Autolauncher Campaign.
  • Number of plays - how many times the autolauncher should play the selected Topic.
  • Play again after - this setting allows you to set a minimum time interval to start the Topic again. If you set it to 24 hours, the Autolauncher will launch again after the 24 hours interval. If set to 0, it will launch the Topic again once the page is refreshed.
  • Play only if topic wasn't completed - this option (checked by default) will make the Autolauncher play only if it wasn't completed (the user didn't go through the whole walkthrough to the end.)
  • You can optionally enable Allow users to dismiss this autolaunched topic - this option allows your users to opt out from the autolaunched Topic. If the user has chosen to dismiss the autolaunched Topic, the Topic will not be launched automatically in the future whether the user has completed the Topic or not.

We have now finished setting up the Autolauncher. The next step is to set up the "Remind me later" button in the Topic you want to have this option. 

Please keep in mind that the Autolauncher we have just configured must be assigned to the Topic you want the "Remind me later" button on for it to work as intended. 

Add the "Remind me later" button to a Topic

  1. Go to the Authoring tool and navigate to the Topic you want to add the "Remind me later" button to.

  1. Go to the Source code of the Step where you will be adding the "Remind me button" to. 

  1. Add the code below:

<div class="inmplayer-button" onclick="inline_manual_player.deactivate()">Remind me later</div>

You have now added a Remind me later button to your autolaunched Topic.

"Don't show me this again" button:

You have the option to have a "Don't show me this again" button instead of the Autolauncher Dismiss option.

This is a workaround, it will skew Analytics since it will mark the Topic as Done. The preferred method is still the Autolauncher Dismiss option.

Add a "Don't show me this again" button to a Topic

  1. Go to the Authoring tool and navigate to the Topic you want to add a "Don't show me this again" button to.

  2. Go to the Source code of the Step where you will be adding the "Don't show me this again" to.

  3. Add the code below:

<div class="inmplayer-button-custom" onclick="inline_manual_player.topicDone();inline_manual_player.deactivate();" style="background-color:white; color:black; text-decoration:underline">Don't show me this again</div>

You have now added a Don't show me this again button to your autolaunched Topic.