This page is outdated, please see our new Player installation instructions here: Player installation

While Inline Manual is code-free, it does require a quick technical installation to go live in your app. Once installed, your users will be able to see the content you create - walkthroughs, articles, or tooltips. There are various installation options available depending on your website's preferences or restrictions.

Embed player

It’s one-time, set it and forget it implementation. All you need to do it to place the code snippet just after the closing body tag. Embed Player lets you add a code to your site's HTML source or template to sync every topic, sites and settings you have from the Inline Manual Portal. Every update or change in the Portal or in the Authoring Tool is immediately synchronized to the website once it is in live mode.

Single Page Applications (SPA):

If your app uses a framework such as React, Angular, or Ember, you’ll need to include the Inline Manual JS library file (or replace the previous standard player) in your HTML head element. You’ll be using the "bare" player, which is the player without init.

Take a look here for more information.

Standard website/application:

You’ll need to add the short JavaScript code (unique for your site) along with the people tracking code at the end of your HTML source or template of your web application, just before the closing body tag.

See example:

<script>  window.inlineManualTracking = {    uid: "1",    email: "",    username: "johndoe",    name: "John Doe",    created: 1360610467,    updated: 1433168312,    roles: ["admin", "editor"],    group: "Doe & Partners Inc.",    plan: "Gold"  }</script>
<script>!function(){var e=document.createElement("script"),t=document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];e.async=1,e.src="[api_key].js",e.charset="UTF-8",t.parentNode.insertBefore(e,t)}();</script>

The [api_key] in the code should be replaced by your site API key. You can find the API Key under Sites -> Site -> Settings tab -> Player installation -> Integration via API.

The people tracking code is optional, howev er, it’ll allow you to get the most out of Inline Manual.The users’ details and behavior can be used for segmentation and targeting. Your application should replace the values set above with the currently logged in user id. The uid is the only field that is required and can be anything that is unique for the current user - a string, integer, number, e-mail etc.

When you have the code implemented, enable analytics.

Standalone Player - on premise solution

This option is available in the Enterprise plan.

The Standalone Player gives you the option to run the topics independently without communicating directly from the Inline Manual portal since all topics, sites, and settings are downloaded into a player that needs to be uploaded to the website.

Using this option will require you to redownload/re-upload every time a change has been made with the topics.

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