All of your Inline Manual content is under a version control system, allowing you to see its complete change history (including authors, dates, and edits made to the content) and revert Topics to previous states as needed. With version control, you can prevent mistakes and work more effectively.
Every time you click the Save button in the Authoring Tool, a revision is created and added to a numbered list in the Revisions tab. You can use revisions to roll back changes you've made to a Topic.
Managing revisions
Once you've created a Topic, you can create a release and assign it to that Topic.
You can use revisions whenever you need to test new Topics. For example, you can create a staging site and assign a Topic to it from your production site, but with a different release. This allows you to make changes to the Topic and staging site without affecting the state of your production site. Then, when you’re ready, you can assign the tested release to the Topic on production.
With releases, you can revert changes and roll back to previous versions of a Topic. To roll back changes, you need to export a prior revision and then import it as a new revision.
Exporting a revision
Each revision has an export option to create backups of changes to a Topic. Note that only steps are exported, not the Topic's title or settings (such as context paths), which are not under the version control system.
To export a revision:
1. Go to Topics and click the ID of the Topic you want to manage.
2. Go to the Revisions tab.
3. Click the export icon to save the file in json format.
Importing a revision
If you want to redo or undo changes to your Topic by using one of your exported backup files, use the import option.
To import a revision:
1. Go to Topics and click the ID of the Topic you want to manage.
2. Go to the Revisions tab.
3. Click the Import revision button.
4. This will open up a dialogue box. Attach the relevant file and click Import.
In the comment field, you can provide additional information about the revision (for example, why you’re importing a particular revision). This will be visible in the revision overview, which can be useful for you and other users.
Once you've imported a revision, it will appear as a new revision in the Revisions tab, so you won't lose any revisions that were created after the original, imported revision.